Our Government exists for its own sake

I started to wonder recently, just how many people share my opinion that “Our Government exists for its own sake.” It would be good if some responds with a comment.

How do we measure the viability of our Government, what is the ratio of public employee versus the private sector? When looking at profitability and viability of a Hotel business for instance, which is measured by how many employees do a hotel has per a guest room, our public sector has grown to a point where we cannot pay the pensions. Although I don’t agree that the POTUS should be a business person, he should definitively be an administrator, it would be good reduced the overgrown administrations of all of the departments, municipal, state and federal.

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We heard it today from Joel Osteen

Misery, discontent and disconnect in our families exist and persists because we are willing to tolerate it. Rise up and declare “I am my brother’s keeper”

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Struggle between forgiveness and revenge is a big part of our Judeo-Christian culture.   

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Our rights are being abridged, infringed and violated

I voted yes for the background check, on a question in today’s edition of WSJ,                                           


For individuals owning or attempting to purchase a weapon of any kind, but with assumption that it will be a constitutional background check and our rights are not abridged, infringed up on, or violated.      

The talking points given to us don’t support our rights, we have “The Constitution of The United States” that does that. I totally agree and I suppose, that most reasonable people would agree, that crazy people should not be armed, drive cars or teach our children, question that I have is who should decide, who is crazy or not?

For that to be legitimate most of us would need to declare voluntarily, not by law or coercion that “I am my brother’s keeper” and that could be a slippery slope, it would most surely create a witch hunt.    

Criminal element cannot be regulated. Criminals will find a gun or whatever implement is at hand to commit a crime.

If I my please suggest that we all start familiarizing ourselves with the bill of rights.

Keep in touch       

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Don’t let good crises go to waste

The State Government politicians are complaining about teachers’ pay and benefits. Schools don’t have adequate funding for school lunches.

NRA is proposing armed security in every school!

I’m wandering, are the republican politicians attempting to create yet another government agency? Between FEMA, DHS and the airport security, whatever that abbreviation is, makes the republican’s the creators of a truly big government.

The last thing I heard is that the democrats are the big government socialists; the way it looks is that the republicans are the ones that adapted the communist management and economic model. Wright to work and armed security in public places is a communist idea.

Never the les republican politicians and their supporters are looking for their money that they lost in the last election. Creating a new government agency just might do the trick.

What will we call the new agency?

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The next economic bubble

Mia Love,  Mayor of Saratoga Springs Utah ®  on Fox news Sunday with Chris Wallace, 9.9.12  said that college education will be in the same trouble as the housing market. Growing college tuitions and fowling employment are creating a bubble in the college loan market.

What is interesting is that Mr. Wallace completely stepped over that and did not comment. 

Mayor Love is running for congress.

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A note to our Teachers

Teachers, you must standup and fight for your rights, the students are watching you. You are also teaching by example. Raising a generation of pushovers should not be an option. Recently I heard a politician utter the magic word “managed economy” it freighted me. Managed economy starts with the teachers and the children at an early age, learning obedience macerating as “values” in our schools.

“The man” is teaching you a lesson on obedience by denying you your benefits and just compensation. By suggesting that our teachers should be happy for the privilege of working and having a job. So please show us that you can raise a generation of strong willed, hard working and creative individuals. Progress is half creativity and half obedience, I have this on a good authority.

You say that you care, now show us and fight so that our children get an opportunity to learn how to fight also, the only way that is possible is if they see you do it.

Good luck, go teachers!

Keep in touch  

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Natural resources

We so like to talk about property rights when we should really talk about a right to property. Right to property to build a home is available to everybody if you have money to purchase it. Leased government land is a question. We so like to talk about imports when we should be really talk about exportation of our natural resources. People please, we subsidies mining, farming and our national forests and then export the timber, ore and grain. Somebody is making a lot of money on both ends. In the news lately, the talk is of our law makers and legislator that are the riches in our nation, this is plain wrong, insiders trading has gone awry.

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Just talking with people

Hi Mr. Simon, I see you are on the board so I’m taking the opportunity to continue our previous conversation.

I skimmed trough few of Mr. Ellerman’s pages (with a promise to continue reading it) and concluded, I hope not prematurely, that he is arguing, amongst other things, for ethics in compensation for services rendered. What I am trying to point to, is fair regulation and appropriation, not valuation. Our forefathers took their share by force, they conquered and toiled and when done, they made laws and regulations and said, this is “mine.”

Now a new generation is coming of age, and we didn’t make any provisions for their survival, we have sent them away just like they sent us, to fend ourselves. We have left them with the legacy of war. Most of the industry is outsourced and the natural resources are being exported. If there would not be a war, would there be a revolution, would the young rise up and take their share by force, just like what we did in the past. I am saying that, it is not ethical for a society to marginalize the young for the military service while claiming to have made moral advancements, from cruelty of tribal and feudal societies, where only the eldest son stayed home to take care of his fathers and his master’s land, his firstborn was his master’s son. All the young were equally sworn into Kings Service, the lords and the peasants alike. That is what sustained the societies of the past, the tribe shunned the weak and the old, the monarchs conquered and created empires killing of and melting in with the conquered inhabitants. We are following in our forefathers footsteps, so will our young follow us. What would happen if our Armies suddenly came home and said; we are home, and no longer willing to fight, we like to raise our children and enjoy our families?

So instead of asking do we need religion to have ethics maybe we should ask is having religion enough to have ethics. I am saying that our leaders exist for their own sakes they are exercising their power over the people and sending us into a conflict, here at home and abroad. Mobilizing the society against perpetuated evil cannot possibly be ethical. What is natural in the animal relationships, survival of the fittest, shouldn’t be also natural in the human relationship, but it is. The power cannot relinquish itself, because it exists for its own sake. The weak the old and the derelict need to go in order to make space for the “fit” I don’t think so, but also I don’t think that there is a choice. The Cultural Revolution in China destroyed the old the weak and the powerless, what was left at the end of it were the smartest the strongest and the most capable.
Our turn is now, not to resist the change, to rethink our relationship to the land and its resources. Maybe this time we can gladly divide the “wheel of cheese” without the foxes help?

Keep in touch

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Jeanie and Mr. Ransom, Town Hall magazine

If I my respectfully suggest that in addition to our democratically elected government, there are also organizations, chambers of commerce and financial institutions that are actively involved in writing policy and implementing resolutions that directly affect relationships between the Land and its People. The federal and municipal governments are only the micro managers of our daily activities. I can clearly see that someone have exerted some serious effort in writing this article; and definitively is the best one that I have read on the subject.
The article accurately describes what the “left hand is doing;” the “right hand” is at work simultaneously. The legislations and bills being presented to the House and the Senate for a vote are not being written in they entirety by our elected officials or they staff. Somebody out there has the upper hand and the way it looks it might not be our President or us the tax payers. He might be only “the pebble in the shoe” something for us to talk about. Like our esteemed WH Press secretary said, giving a press briefing, “if we really need you to know something we leak it.” Somebody out there is giving us the talking points. We the People are being harvested just like livestock, making honey, giving milk and paying taxes. “For the good of the Country” and our freedom we need to demand of our elected officials to disclose their affiliations, social, financial and business for a review by a joint House, Senate and citizens comities if we are to regain any of our lost freedom. Did anybody out there see a poor politician?

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